British Herbal Medicine Association (BHMA)

The British Herbal Medicine Association has represented the interests of herbal medicine in the United Kingdom for over 58 years. It was founded in 1964 at a time of increasing regulatory control, when herbal medicine in this country faced an uncertain future, and played an important role in convincing the government of the day to include provisions for the herbal industry and profession in the Medicines Act 1968.

Members of the Association include manufacturers of herbal medicines, herbal practitioners, companies involved in the supply of herbal raw materials and extracts, academics, pharmacists, retailers and students of phytotherapy. The Board endeavours to support the members through a range of activities and keeps a close watch on legislative developments affecting herbal medicine, liaising with regulatory authorities, industry forums and the media, providing advice and comment on new EU or UK legislation and guidelines, and commenting on specific issues.

Regulatory & Scientific Updates from Across the Herbal Sector 


This conference has already taken place




11.45 am Dr Tony Booker - Lecturer: University of Westminster and the UCL School of Pharmacy

'Quality and adulteration testing of practitioner herbal supplies, co-funded by the BHMA and EHTPA'


12.20 pm - Questions and answers


12.25 pm - Sonia Dhanda - Interim Senior Cites Policy Advisor, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

'CITES and herbal medicine'


12.55 pm - Questions and answers


1.00 pm - Lunch



'Assessment of herbal medicinal products vs. food supplements: Legal background and current developments' 


2.30 pm - Questions and answers


2.35 pm - Prof. Dr Funda Nuray Yalçin - Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacognosy, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey

'Where are we on Panax Ginseng? Opportunities and challenges'


3.05 pm - Questions and answers


3.10 pm - Tea Break


3.30 pm Mark Blumenthal - Founder and Executive Director - American Botanical Council

'BAPP research on adulterants in herbal products' 


4.00 pm - Panel Discussion


4.30 pm - Socialising and further discussion in breakout room 

(Please bring your own refreshments!)


5.00 pm Finish

Purchase the recording of this conference here

Speakers for the BHMA conference 2024 

Dr Chris Etheridge

Christopher Etheridge is a leading Medical Herbalist (Phytotherapist) with extensive experience as a herbal practitioner, published researcher and writer.

Chris is Chair of the British Herbal Medicine Association (BHMA), Chair of the Herbal Practitioner Supplier’s Scheme (HPSS), President of the College of Practitioners of Phytotherapy (CPP) and President of the European Herbal and Traditional Medicines Professional Association (EHTPA).

Mark Blumenthal

Mark Blumenthal is the Founder and Executive Director of the American Botanical Council (ABC), an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to disseminating accurate, reliable, and responsible information on herbs and medicinal plants. He is the Editor/Publisher of HerbalGram, an international, peer-reviewed quarterly journal, the contents of which reflect the educational goals of ABC. Mark has served as Co-Founder and former Vice-President of the Herb Research Foundation (HRF) and President of the Herb Trade Association. He was also a founding board member of the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA).

Sonia Dhanda

Sonia Dhanda is a senior policy advisor working in the UK CITES Scientific Authority for Flora at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Sonia leads the team responsible for coordinating wildlife trade research and scientific advice on CITES policy, with experience in representing UK interests at international policy meetings. She has a MSc in Conservation Science and is currently undertaking a PhD on the Indian medicinal plant trade in the UK. 

Dr Anthony Booker

Dr. Anthony Booker, an expert in Chinese herbal medicines and medicinal plant science at the University of Westminster. He obtained his PhD at University College London in Ethnopharmacy and Pharmacognosy. His research thesis focused on the value chains of Curcuma longa (Turmeric) and how different value chains can affect both the livelihoods of the producing farmers and the quality of the finished products. During two post-doctoral projects at UCL he investigated the quality of herbal medicinal products and their ingredients. Anthony is published in a wide variety of scientific journals and books and his current research interests focus on the use of plant metabolomics and how this can be used to improve the quality of traditional medicines hereby tackling issues such as poor quality and adulteration. He is currently senior lecturer in Chinese herbal medicine and medicinal plant science at the University of Westminster. He is a member of The British Pharmacopoeia expert advisory group on Complementary and Herbal Medicines, a Member and past president of The Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine, a Member of The Royal Society of Chemistry and Fellow of The Linnean Society.

Prof. Dr. Funda N. Yalçın

She graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Pharmacy in 1994, received a Master's degree in the Department of Pharmacognosy from Hacettepe University Faculty of Pharmacy in 1996, and a Doctorate in the same department in 2002. Between 1999 and 2000, she was a visiting researcher at the University of Utah (Salt Lake City-USA) for 11 months to conduct studies on "Bioactive compounds obtained from Marine organisms". She became an Associate Professor in 2007 and a full Professor in 2013 at Hacettepe University Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacognosy. She has been serving on the Board of Directors of the Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy Association since 2005. She has been a Scientific Committee Member of the European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy (ESCOP) since 2010 and has been the co-secretary of this committee since 2016. She is a board member of Hacettepe University MAGUM (Medicinal Chemistry Research and Application Center, 2010-). She was the Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy at Hacettepe University, Faculty of Pharmacy, between 2016-2023. She co-authors two books about phytotherapy, "A'dan Z'ye Tıbbi Bitkiler" and "A'dan Z'ye Tıbbi yağlar ve Aromatik sular". She is the chair of the Division of Pharmaceutical Professional Sciences, at Hacettepe University, Faculty of Pharmacy (2023-).

Barbara Steinhoff, Ph.D.

Dr. Barbara Steinhoff is a pharmacist with a degree in Pharmaceutical Biology. Since 1990, she works as a scientist at the German Medicines Manufacturers' Association, Bundesverband der Arzneimittel-Hersteller (BAH), Bonn, where she is currently head of the department Herbal and Complementary Medicinal Products and Pharmaceutical Technology/GMP. Her specific field of work are herbal medicinal products and their assessment of quality, efficacy and safety. She is a member of the German Pharmacopoeia Commission and of its Committee on Pharmaceutical Biology. For more than 30 years she works with ESCOP being co-chair of the Scientific Committee for 20 years. She is a board member of the German Gesellschaft für Phytotherapy e.V. and also active in Kooperation Phytopharmaka.

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